Virtual Learning prevents education to be stopped
17 March 2020
Following the order from the Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP), GSD International School Costa Rica closed his facilities from March 17th until April 3rd, but that didn’t mean that the learning process was stopped.
Our students, since Pre-School and until Secondary, started to taking virtual lessons of every subject that they have. This possible because our school was prepared with platforms like Cloud Campus and Microsoft Teams, that both, teachers and students are familiar with.
“For this generation Virtual Learning comes as second nature. Our students were born and live in the digital era. Learning has evolved from textbooks and marker boards to computer and internet use on a daily basis in our schools. During this difficult time virtual learning will be our best ally because at the end of the day the most important is that they are learning”, states Mr. Raul González, Associate Head of the School.
Classes on site will resume on April 13th, after Holy Week.